with em
6 Week Fat Loss Program
What’s Included?
Custom Macros
Personalized macros for fat loss with calorie cycling option. Your starting maintenance calories are included as well.
Q&A with emma
2 Q+A sessions with Emma during the program.
emPowered Fitness app
Access to the FREE emPowered Fitness app where you can track your workouts and have access to thousands of other members.
Exclusive Shred Workouts
6 Weeks of workouts:
you get both home & gym options
5 workouts per week, cardio programming, & ab workouts, designed for progressive overload
2 Upper body/2 Lower Body/1 Full Body
Workouts update after 3 weeks to keep things fresh
Lifetime access to the program, you keep the workouts forever!
Home equipment needed: dumbbells & bands (bench is helpful but not required)
Coaching Modules:
1. Managing your macros: meal planning for fat loss + strategies to minimize hunger.
2. Measuring progress the right way: tracking progress using multiple metrics + recognizing progress made.
3. Making adjustments based on data: learn to adjust your macros and strategies as your body changes.
4. Lifestyle integration: learn tips for tracking while traveling, calorie cycling and tracking alcohol.
5. Reverse dieting: learn how to transition out of a fat loss phase without regaining the weight.
Resources included: Shred guide with detailed information on macros, calorie cycling , meal prep tips, food list by macros, weighing/measuring food, alcohol tracking, Fast Food go-tos Reverse Dieting guide, Metric Tracker, Meal Planner template.
One grand prize winner of $1,000 based on overall transformation
My quick and delicious recipes with macro breakdown grouped by category (breakfast, lunch/dinner, snacks, desserts)
Sample meal plans for
1200-1800 calories
Program recipes in MFP database
NEW Recipes every session!
You keep the recipes forever!
Ready to Shred?
The Shred Is For You If:
You want to make real progress towards your health and fitness goals, without sacrificing your favorite foods and social life
You’re tired of yo-yo dieting and cookie cutter plans that don’t work
You want to learn real methods that will give you lasting results
You want to learn more about weight training and nutrition
You thrive off of accountability and structure
You want to build a solid foundation around fitness and nutrition
The Shred Is Not For You If:
You are currently struggling with an eating disorder or another serious mental or physical health condition
You are looking for a meal plan
You aren’t open to learning or growing
You want to continue to struggle when it comes to your health and fitness
Shred With Em

“I would be lying if I told you I loved every minute of this or that it was easy; it was challenging and some days I hated it more than I loved it. BUT, it has been so worth it and I’m excited to keep moving forward!
During the shred, I lost three pounds and a total of seven inches, all while eating things like chocolate, ice cream, and lots of bread (balance, am I right?)! I’ve gained even more than that – perspective, perseverance, confidence, strength. The shred program was everything that I needed and left room for no excuses. I loved having workouts planned for me, delicious recipes shared all the time, and accountability/encouragement from people who just want to do their best and be better too.”

“A week into the Shred program, I started to say “one week down”; but, instead, I had this moment where I realized how unhealthy (& uneducated) I had been in my food & exercise choices up until this point. Instead, I saw it as “one week in”. I realized the tools Emma has given us are for how to take care of ourselves for the long-term, & not just a month long “fix”.
Treat yourself & that workout as something important—like you do everyone & everything else you take care of. I committed. My family’s needs were still met; that didn’t change. What *did change? ME. My understanding of food, my physical strength, & my appreciation of the rewards of self-discipline. Is my body perfect? No. But, is it healthier? Without a doubt! I cannot believe the transformation my body (& mind) have undergone over this month.”

“I am blown away with my results and absolutely loved this past month!
Best part about the whole thing was I still enjoyed wine on the weekends while watching the scale go down!! I weighed 118 the day this all started and as of today I am down to 110 and lost 3 inches on my waist!
This is something I can definitely see myself following for good. Every other diet I tried to follow would definitely give results but would only last a few months before I felt deprived and would over eat just to gain it all back. I look forward to continuing this journey!”

“I decided to try to focus on just one thing for 30 days: this program. The awesome thing is that while I was focusing on this program and improving in this part of my life, I was able to improve in other areas too.
I lost 5lbs and a total of 8.5 inches (and that’s amazing!!) but I’ve also gained so much from this program. I have more energy, mental clarity, and confidence in myself and what I’m capable of!”

“I’ve seen more change in my body during this shred month then I have in the past 3 months trying to count macros on my own.
This program helps anyone that is trying to make a positive change to their body & lifestyle!”
Are There Check Ins?
There are no check ins. Unless you upgraded to VIP. You will have access to other group members for support & accountability. And resources for how to adjust your macros when/if needed.
When Will I Get My Custom Macros?
Upon purchase, you will receive an email with your questionnaire to complete. Questionnaires are completed in the order they are received. Please be patient.
Can I Get A Refund?
Due to the digital nature of this program, all sales are final. Please ask all questions prior to purchase.
I'm Breastfeeding, Can I Do This Program?
Absolutely! I work with tons of breastfeeding moms! Your calorie requirements will be adjusted and make sure to note that you are breastfeeding on your questionnaire.
Can Men Do The Program Too?
Yes! Men have great success with my program too!
Will I Keep Access to the Program After the 6 weeks?
Yes! You will have lifetime access to the program.
Can I Continue My Own Workouts Or Do I Have To Do The Ones You Provide?
You can for sure continue your own workouts. I have tons of clients who combine my workouts with Orange Theory, Crossfit, etc.
What Equipment is Needed for the Home Workouts?
Only dumbbells and if you have bands those can be used too, there is also a band & body weight guide for those without access to weights at home.
Is a Meal Plan Provided?
There are sample meal plans for each calorie level to show you how you could structure your day. The goal is to teach you how to track macros and make your own food choices, so you can eat the foods you enjoy and not be stuck eating the same meal plan week after week. I do provide tons of recipes and food ideas.
Can I Complete The Shred 2 sessions in A Row?
Yes! Workouts are brand new every session, this is done because some clients will need 2, maybe 3 sessions of the Shred. You also get a revision/adjustment to your macros to keep fat loss moving.
I’m Vegetarian, Can I Still Complete The Shred?
Yes! Counting macros can be done with any way of eating. I have had vegetarians, pescatarian, vegan, gluten and dairy free, egg free, etc. When you complete your questionnaire, there is a section where you can make note of any restrictions for me to take into account. The sample meal plans and recipes are not designed specifically for these ways of eating though so you would need to make adjustments to accommodate your way of eating.
Do You Have Samples Of The Workouts?
Yes! Check out the Shred Starter Guide.
Ready to Shred?

“These Shreds helped me so much mentally and physically! My confidence is back and I’m so much closer to my final goal! I loved the workouts and I literally can’t believe how much my body changed with being super diligent with these macros!”
– Alexis

“I can’t believe the transformation my body and mind have undergone this month!”
– Elizabeth

“I’ve lost 7.7 lbs and 8 inches! I’m still mind blown at what ONE month can do! Nutrition is key!”
– Shaina

“I’m so thankful for this program for helping me jumpstart my motivation and getting me back on track!”
– Alex

“Your program has seriously helped me on my journey to lose the baby weight from 2.5 years ago!”
– Brittanye